Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Koleksi Buku Teknik Sipil Bagian 7

Textbook Collection Civil Engineering Part 7

1201 Theory and analysis of plates classical and numerical methods Rudolph Szilard
1202 Geotechnical modelling David Muir Wood
1203 The Wonderful world of engineering David Jackson
1204 Structural mechanics-A unified approach Alberto Carpinteri
1205 Principles & practices of heavy construction Ronald C smith ; cameron K. Andres
1206 The Work of frei otto and his teams 1955-1976 Ludwig Glaeser
1207 The Sources of modern architecture and design Nikolaus Pevsner
1208 De stijl Paul Overy
1209 Handbook of qualitative research Norman K. Denzin ; Yvonna S. Lincoln
1210 Earthscape : a manual of environmental planning John Ormsbee Simonds
1211 Notes on ACI 318-83 building code requirements for reinforced concrete with design applications -
1212 Metode numerik : dilengkapi dengan program komputer Bambang Triatmodjo
1213 Perencanaan transportasi : untuk mahasiswa, perencana dan praktisi Fidel Miro
1214 Analisa struktur : gabungan metode klasik dan matriks A. Ghali ; A.M Neville
1215 Prinsip-prinsip statistik untuk teknik dan sains Harinaldi
1216 Prinsip-prinsip mekanika tanah dan soal penyelesaian I Harry Christady Hardiyatmo
1217 Prinsip-prinsip mekanika tanah dan soal penyelesaian I Harry Christady Hardiyatmo
1218 Pelabuhan Bambang Triatmodjo
1219 Metode numerik untuk teknik : dengan penerapan pada komputer pribadi Steven C. Chapra ; Raymond P Canale
1220 Reklamasi laut dangkal : perekayasaan dan pelaksanaan reklamasi bagi proyek pantai mutiara di Pluit-Jakarta A.R. Soehoed
1221 Parks and waterbodies plan and rustic coast -
1222 Old world charm -
1223 Objectives, principles and standards for preservation and conservation -
1224 Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding the doors, windows and vents -
1225 Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding the ornamental plasterworks -
1226 Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding the party walls -
1227 Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding the timber floors and staircases -
1228 Envelope control plan : beach road -
1229 Envelope control plan : upper circular road -
1230 Envelope control plan : Mohamed Sultan Road/Martin Road -
1231 Envelope control plan : Lot 44-44 to lot 44-28, lot 45-6 to lot 50 ts 20 river valley road and lot 51-2 to lot 54 ts 20 tank road -
1232 Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding the first storey five-footway and front façade -
1233 Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding mechanical and electrical services -
1234 Designing for the disabled the new paradigm Selwyn Goldsmith
1235 Building services engineering David V. Chadderton
1236 Composite construction David A. Nethercot
1237 Transportation planning and air quality III : engineering strategies and working solution -
1238 Geotechnical engineering Shashi K. Gulhati ; Manoj Datta
1239 Trenchless technology : pipeline and utility design, construction and renewal Mohammad Najafi
1240 Construction planning, equipment and methods Robert L. Peurifoy ; Clifford J. Schexnayder ; Aviad Shapira
1241 Durability of concrete structures and constructions : silos, bunkers, reservoirs, water tower, retaining walls L.M Poukhonto
1242 Structural steel designer's handbook : AISC, AASHTO, AISI, ASTM, AREMA, and ASCE-07 design standards Roger L. Brockenbrough ; Frederick S. Merritt
1243 Water resources systems : modelling tecniques and analysis S. Vedula ; P.P. Mujumdar
1244 Dictionary of architectural and building technology Henry J. Cowan ; Peter R. Smith
1245 Principles of foundation engineering Braja M. Das
1246 Steel structures and timber structures : analysis design and details of structures V.N Vazirani ; M.M Ratwani
1247 Structural design with plastics B.S Benjamin
1248 Optimization of transport networks Peter A. Steenbrink
1249 Earthquake engineering for structural design W.F. Chen ; E.M. Lui
1250 Structural and stress analysis T.H.G. Megson
1251 Designing steel structures Sol E. Cooper
1252 Analysis and design of curved steel bridges Hiroshi Nakai
1253 Design and construction of port and maring structures -
1254 Strategic corporative facilities management Stephen Binder
1255 Reinforced concrete :preliminary design for architects and builders R.E. Shaeffer
1256 Rekayasa lalu lintas -
1257 Wood engineering and construction handbook -
1258 Mechanical connection in wood structures -
1259 Construction of fils Edward J. Monahan
1260 Bendungan type urugan Suyono Sosrodarsono ; Kensaku Takeda
1261 Timber design -
1262 engineering wood handbook -
1263 Geotechnical earthquake engineering -
1264 Steel design handbook : LRFD method Akbar R. Tamboli
1265 Soil mechanics William Powrie
1266 Structural foundation manual for low rise buildings M.F Atkinson
1267 Introduction to quantitative method Mark Balnaves ; Peter Caputi
1268 The Foundation engineering handbook Manjriker Gunaratne
1269 Geotechnical engineering investigation handbook Roy E. Hunt
1270 Fisika bangunan 1 dan 2 Prasasto Satwiko
1271 Pelat Klaus Stiglat ; Herbert Wippel
1272 Beton prategang : suatu pendekatan mendasar Edwars G. Nawy
1273 Teknologi beton Tri Mulyono
1274 Analisis ekonomi teknik Robert J. Kodotie
1275 Konstruksi baja Oentoeng
1276 Analisis dan perancangan struktur frame menggunakan SAP 2000 versi 7.42 Haryanto Yoso Wigroho
1277 Proyek jalan : teori dan praktek Arthur Wignall ; Peter S. Kendrick ; Roy Ancill ; Malcolm Copson
1278 Aplikasi menyemen database pendidikan berbasis web dengan PHP dan My SQL -
1279 Step by step SPSS 13 : analisis data statistik Cornelius Trihendradi
1280 An Introduction to geotechnical processes John Woodward
1281 Dasar-dasar konstruksi bangunan : bahan-bahan dan metodenya Edward Allen
1281 Shaping structures : statics Waclaw Zalewski ; Edward Allen
1282 Scour technology : mechanics and engineering practice George W Annandale
1283 Statika : bagian dari mekanika teknik Sidharta S Kamarwan
1284 Mekanika bahan : bagian dari mekanika teknik Sidharta S. Kamarwan
1285 Horizontal directional drilling : utility and pipeline applications David A Willoughby
1286 Trend teknik sipil era milenium baru -
1287 Analisis struktur metode matrix Bambang Suhendro
1288 Concrete repair and maintenance : dilengkapi kasus aktual di Indonesia -
1289 Metode konstruksi jembatan beton Asiyanto
1290 Hydrosystem engineering reliability assessment and risk analysis Yeou-Koung Tung ; Ben-Chie Yen ; Charles S Melching
1291 Water resources systems management Larry W Mays
1292 Teknologi beton A-Z Sjafei Amri
1293 Construction codes and inspection handbook Gil L Taylor
1294 Prestressed concrete bridges : design and construction Nigel R. Hewson
1295 Cable stayed bridges Rene Walther
1296 Designers' guide to EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7 : geotechnical design-general rules R. Frank ; C. Bauduin ; R. Driscoll
1297 Design of water resources systems Patrick J Purcell
1298 Design of linear drainage systems Matin Naqvi
1299 Flood risk management George Fleming
1300 A short course in soil structure engineering N. Charles; Noel Simons; Bruce Menzies
1301 Problematic soils Jefferson
1302 Advances in geotechnical engineering : the skempton conference/vol.1 R.J Jardine ; D.M Potts ; K.G Hinggins
1303 Engineering as a sosial enterprise Hedy E. Sladovich
1304 Advances in geotechnical engineering : the skempton conference/vol.2 and vol. 2 R.J Jardine ; D.M Potts ; K.G Hinggins
1305 Engineering mathematics through applications Kuldeep Singh
1306 Advanced engineering mathematics Erwin Kreyszig
1307 Menentukan kontraktor pemenang dalam proses lelang untuk gedung milik swasta Lili Kusumawati Machdijar
1308 Estimasi pengaruh hujan terhadap durasi aktivitas galian Bambang Endro Yuwono
1309 Analisis tulangan pasif pada struktur beton prategang parsial Darmawan Pontan
1310 Hidrologi stokastik untuk memperpanjang data aliran kali serang Mediana
1311 Pengaruh reboisasi dengan tumpangsari terhadap konservasi tanah dan air serta pendapatan petani di sub das manting, Malang Jawa Timur Ongko Trisaptono
1312 Studi optimum campuran pasir-lempung Herry Isnaeni Kurniawan
1313 Mengimplementasikan dokumen kontrak untuk meminimalkan kemungkinan terjadi klaim Dewi Rintawati
1314 Mempercepat waktu pelaksanaan proyek dengan penambahan biaya seminimal mungkin Veronica Lindawati
1315 Pengembangan model pengaruh interaksi faktor kunci terhadap kesuksesan proyek rancang-bangun di Indonesia Bambang Endro Yuwono
1316 Model biaya dan waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan struktur baja bangunan industri Yan Agustina Pranata
1317 Prediksi deformasi tanah selama pelaksanaan galian-dalam Ruwaida Zayadi
1318 Contribution A l'etude du comportement des poutres armees precontraintes par fils adherents sous chargement direct Ridwan Suhud
1319 Himpunan peraturan jasa konstruksi beserta pajak penghasilannya -
1320 Pengantar matrix J. Supranto
1321 Hidrologi untuk pengairan Suyono Sosrodarsono
1322 Analisis struktur dengan metoda matrik Amrinsyah Nasution
1323 Civil engineering (conventional and objective type) R.S Khurmi ; J.K Gupta
1324 Reinforced concrete design George F. Limbrunner
1325 Fundamentals of transportation engineering : a multimodal systems approach Jon D.Fricker ; Robert K. Whitford
1326 Irrigation engineering (including hydrology) R.K Sharma ; T.K Sharma
1327 design of steel structures P. Dayaratnam
1328 Concrete technology : theory and practice M.S Shetty
1329 Principles of geotechnical engineering Braja M. Das
1330 Bridge engineering Demetrios E. Tonias
1331 Design of wood structures ASD/LRFD Donald E. Breyer
1332 Soil strength and slope stability J. Michael Duncan ; Stephen G. Wright
1333 Theory and practice of foundation design N.N Som ; S.C Das
1334 Stability analysis of earth dopes Yang H. Huang
1335 Load testing of deep foundations : the planning, design and conduct of pile load test Carroll L. Crowther
1336 Soil mechanics and foundations Muni Budhu
1337 Geotechnical engineering : soil and foundation principles and practice Richard L. Handy ; M.G Spangler
1338 Design of highway bridges : an lrfd approach Richard M. barker ; Jay A. Puckett
1339 LRFD steel design William T. Segui
1340 Structural analysis R.C. Hibbeler
1341 Earthquake engineering : application to design Charles K. Erdey
1342 Water flow in soil Tsuyoshi Miyazaki
1343 Faster construction projects with cpm scheduling Murray B. Woolf
1344 Study guide fundamentals of engineering economics Chan S Park
1345 Fundamentals of engineering economic Chan S. Park
1346 The engineering of fundations Rodrigo Saldago
1347 Solid and laminated wood bending W.C. Stevens ; N. Turner
1348 Building type basics for housing Stephen A Kliment
1349 Building type basics for office buildings Eugeng A Kohn ; Paul Katz
1350 Menyimak bendungan di Indonesia (1910-2006) Radhi Sinaro
1351 Perencanaan struktur beton bertulang tahan gempa : sesuai SNI-1726 dan SNI-2847 terbaru Rachmat Purwono
1352 Tata cara perhitungan struktur beton untuk bangunan gedung (SNI 03-2847-2002) dilengkapi penjelasan (s-2002) Rachmat Purwono
1353 Bunga rampai manajemen proyek konstruksi Gunawan Logawa
1354 A textbook of water power engineering R.K Sharma ; T.K Sharma
1355 Probability concepts in engineering Alfredo H-S Ang ; Wilson H Tang
1356 reinforced concrete design Chu-Kia wang ; Charles G salmon ; Jose A Pincheira
1357 Practical railway engineering Clifford F Bonnett
1358 Construction operations manual of policies and procedures Andrew M Civitello ; Sidney M Levy
1359 Structural steel design Jack C McCormac
1360 Project estimating and cost management Parviz F Rad
1361 Construction planning and scheduling Jimmie W Hinze
1362 The Design of modern steel bridges Sukhen Chatterjee
1363 Reinforced concrete structures I.C Syal ; A.D Goel
1364 Integrated cost and schedule control in project management Ursula Kuehn
1365 Operation research Prem Kumar Gupta ; D.S Hira
1366 Dissertation research and writing for construction students Naoum
1367 Teknik dasar dan potensi daur ulang konstruksi jalan Mohamad Anas Aly
1368 Merencanakan sistem pengangkutan Suwardjoko Wardani
1369 Ilmu konstruksi bangunan bambu : pengantar konstruksi bambu Heinz Frick
1370 Menghitung konstruksi beton untuk pengembangan rumah bertingkat dan tidak bertingkat Adiyono
1371 Ilmu konstruksi bangunan kayu : pengantar konstruksi kayu Heinz Frick ; Moerdiartianto
1372 Perencanaan perkeretaapian Soedjono Kramadibrata
1373 Beton aspal campuran panas Silvia Sukirman
1374 Manajemen produksi untuk jasa konstruksi Asiyanto
1375 Pengertian dasar dan informasi umum tentang beban konstruksi perkerasan jalan Moh. Anas Aly
1376 Hidrolika terapan : aliran pada saluran terbuka dan pipa Robert J. Kodoatie
1377 Ekonomi teknik : analisis pengambilan keputusan Ferianto Raharjo
1378 Kumpulan analisa biaya konstruksi BSN
1379 Rancangan spesifikasi umum bidang jalan dan jembatan -
1380 Desain beton bertulang /jil.2 Jack C.McCormac
1381 Pemukiman bebas banjir : tanpa membanjiri orang lain di sekitarnya S. Hindarko
1382 Diktat teori soal dan penyelesaian konstruksi baja 1 T. Gunawan ; S. Margaret
1383 Mekanika tanah I Hary Christady Hardiyatmo
1384 Restorasi sungai Agus Maryono
1385 Manajemen proyek konstruksi Wulfram I Ervianto
1386 Ilmu dan alat ukur tanah : alat penyipat datar, alat ukur sudut, pengukur jarak dan triangulasi sederhana Heinz Frick
1387 Desain konstruksi plat dan rangka beton bertulang dengan SAP 2000 versi 9 Handi Pramono
1388 Hidrologi terapan Bambang Triatmodjo
1389 Manajemen alat berat untuk konstruksi Asiyanto
1390 Analisis struktur gedung dengan etabs versi 9.0.7 H.R Andrianto
1391 Sistem drainase perkotaan yang berkelanjutan Suripin
1392 Pengembangan sumber daya air terpadu H.R Mulyanto
1393 Teknlogi beton : dari material, pembuatan, ke beton kinerja tinggi Paul Nugraha ; Antoni
1394 Metode elemen hingga untuk skeletal Irawan Katili
1395 Diktat teori soal dan penyelesaian konstruksi beton I/jil.1 dan 2 T. Gunawan ; S. Margaret
1396 Modul bahasa pemograman Darmawan Pontan
1397 Modul aplikasi bahasa pemograman Fennani Arpan
1398 Modul bahan ajar rekayasa lingkungan terbangun Lucia P. helly []
1399 Modul pembelajaran mekanika teknik I Sri Tundono
1400 Modul hidrolika Trihono Kadri

2 komentar:

  1. Kok gak ada yang bisa di download gan buku buku nya....????

  2. gan saya berminat dengan salah satu koleksi buku anda, gimana cara belinya
