Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Koleksi Buku Arsitektur Bagian 5

Collection of Architectural Books Part 5

801 Introduction to two-dimensional design : understanding form and function John Bowers
802 A Framework for the analysis of urban sustainability linking theory and practice Wicaksono Sarosa
803 Cities and natural process : a basis for sustainability Michael Hough
804 The Sustainable urban development reader Stephen M Wheeler ; Timothy Beatley
805 Kids spaces : architecture for children -
806 Architecture as experience : radical change in spatial practice Dana Arnold ; Andrew Ballantyne
807 Architectural design in steel Peter Trebilcock ; Mark Lawson
808 Indonesia houses : tradition & transformation in vernacular architecture Reimar Scheforld ; gaudenz Domening ; Peter Nas
809 New offices Cristina Montes
810 The City reader Richard T Legates, Frederic stout
811 Arsitek dan karyanya : F Silaban dalam konsep dan karyanya Astuti SA Odang []
812 Makna simbolik dalam upacara adat mangupa masyarakat angkola-sipirok di Tapanuli Selatan Parlaungan Ritonga
813 Dari Batavia menuju Jakarta Fitri R Ghozally
814 Sacred architecture Caroline Humphrey ; Piers Vitebsky
815 Arsitektur komunitas : sebuah pemaparan tentang penataan kawasan secara partisipatif Ari Widyati Purwantiasning
816 Jatidiri melayu Tengku Luckman Sinar
817 Detail akustik Peter Lord
818 Kebudayaan melayu Sumatera Timur Tuanku Luckman Sinar Basyarsyah II ; Wan Syaifuddin
819 Architect's data Ernst Neufert
820 Light structures : jorg schlaich, rudolf begermann Annette Bogle ; Peter C. Schmal ; Ingeborg Flagge
821 Cities in transformation-transformation in cities:social and symbolic change of urban space Kalltorp
822 Analysis of precedent : an investigation of elements,relationships,and ordering ideas in the work of eight architects Clark Roger H
823 Toraja dulu dan kini Akin Duli ; Hasannudin
824 Kota dan lingkungan : pendekatan baru masyarakat berwawasan ekologi Takashi Inoguchi ; Edward Newman ; Glen Paoletto
825 Kota kuno Palopo : dimensi fisik, sosial dan kosmologi M. Irfan Mahmud
826 Psikologi tata kota Donald C. Klein
827 Current techniques in architectural practice Robert Allan Class ; Robert E. Koehler
828 Alun-alun : ruang publik bersejarah dan konservasi Moerdjoko
829 Renzo piano building workshop Peter Buchanan
830 Top architectuts of the world Mary Cambert
831 Rumah gadang minangkabau : arsitektur tradisional di Sumatra Barat Moerdjoko
832 Designing for success : the office Stephen Crafti
833 New health facilities Moestaedi
834 Healthcare space /vol.2 Roger Yee
835 Sporting spaces -
836 Borobudur Daoed Joesoef
837 Educational facilities American Institute of Architects
838 University architecture Brian Edwards
839 New apartment buildings Arian Mostaedi
840 Designing the word's best resorts Wimberly Allison Tong
841 Voices in architectural education : cultural politics and pedagogy Thomas A Dutton
842 Stratifikasi sosial di Cancar Manggarai Flores Barat tahun 1950-an dan 1980-an Robert M.Z Lawang
843 Masyarakat dan kebudayaan perkotaan : perspektif antropologi perkotaan Parsudi Suparlan
844 Sekelumit mengenai masyarakat Batak Toba dan kebudayaannya ; sebagai sarana pembangunan E.H Tambunan
845 Alam lestari dan kearifan budaya Dayak Kenyah Marthin Billa
846 Orang Mandar orang laut Muhammad Ridwan Alimuddin
847Klasifikasi kota Hadi Sabari Yunus
848 Settlement of batik entrepreneurs in Surakarta Naniek Widayati
849 Pengadaan perumahan kota dengan peran serta masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah Bambang Panudju
850 Teknologi bangunan Dwi Tangoro ; a. Sadili Somaatmadja ; Kuntjoro Sukardi
851 Kota berkelanjutan Eko Budihardjo ; Djoko Sujarto
852 Komunikasi arsitektur : strategi presentasi dan negoisasi dalam arsitektur Ari Widyati Purwantiasning
853 Toraja : simbolisme unsur visual rumah tradisional Abdul Azis Said
854 Aneka candi kuno di Indonesia R. Soetarno
855 Futurism Caroline Tisdall ; Angelo Bozzolla
856 Ekologi, lingkungan hidup dan pembangunan Otto Sumarwoto
857 Pedoman penyelenggaraan dan pengelolaan museum Moh. Amir Sutaarga
858 The Aesthetics of landscape Steven C. Bourassa
859 The arts and crafts movement Elizabeth Cumming ; Wendy Kaplan
860 Award winning architecture 96 Frantiseh Sedlacek
861 Land and landscape : evolution, design and control Brenda colvin
861 The Future of Cities Andrew Blowers ; Chris Hamnett ; Philip Sarre
862 New architecture and technology Gyula Sebestyen
863 Charter of the new urbanism Michael Leccese ; Kthleen McCormick
864 Islam art and architecture Markus Hattstein ; Peter Delius
865 The Urban Pattern Simon Eisner ; Arthur Gallion ; Stanley Eisner
866 Museumsbau in der bundesrepublik Deutschland -
867 Lingkungan yang tanggap : pedoman bagi perancang Ian Bentley
868 Pengantar perancangan kota : desain dan perencanaan kota / Jil.2 Arthur B. Gallion ; Simon Eisner
869 Garden cities 21 : creating a livable urban environment John Ormsbee Simonds
870 Arsitektur sebagai warisan budaya Eko Budihardjo
871 Architectural thought : the design process and expectat eye Michael Brawne
872 Time-saver standards for urban design Donald Watson ; Alan Plattus ; Robert Shibley
873 Emerging concepts in urban space design Geoffrey Broadbent
874 Movements in art since 1945 Edward Lucie-Smith
875 Understanding architecture : an introduction to architecture and architectural history Hazel Conway ; Rowan Roenisch
876 Aesthetics and Tecnology in building Pier Luigi Nervi
877 Architects on architecture : new directions in America Paul Heyer
878 Wood architecture Rush Slavid
879 The New Asian architecture : vernacular tradisions and contemporary style William S.W. Lim ; Tan Hock Beng
880 Lighting design basics Mark Karlen ; James R. Benya
881 Architecture for the books Michael J. Crosbie
882 The Form of housing Sam Davis
883 Urban forms : the death and life of the urban block Philippe Panerai
884 Intelligent skins Michael Wigginton ; Jude Harris
885 Urban housing forms Jingmin Zhou
886 Public places-urban spaces : the dimensions of urban design Matthew Carmona ; Tim heath ; Taner Oc
887 Architecture in use : an introduction to the programming, design and evaluation of buildings Theo JM van der Voordt ; Herman BR van Wegen
889 Architecture and the urban environment : a vision for the new age Derek Thomas
890 Solar house : a guide for the solar designer Terry Galloway
891 Architecture in a climate of change : an guide to sustainable design Peter F. Smith
892 Architecture and identity : responses to cultural and technological change Chris Abel
893 Building type basic for retail and mixed-use facilities The Jerde Partnership
894 Planning buildings and facilities for higher education UNESCO
895 Museums for the 1980s : a survey of world trends Kenneth Hudson
896 Indonesian accents Tan Hock Beng
897 Indonesian architecture now Imelda Akmal
898 Contemporary architecture Robyn Beaver
899 Rumah sederhana : kebijaksanaan perencanaan dan konstruksi Heinz Frick
900 Designing buildings that work : the architect's problem prevention sourcebook Fred A. Stitt
901 An Introduction to American archaelogy Gordon R. Willey
902 Show rooms John Beckmann
903 How designers think Bryan Lawson
904 Architecture and city planning in the twentieth century Victorio Magnago Lampugnani
905 The Best of british architecture 1980 to 2000 Noel Moffett
906 The Green skyscraper : the basis for designing sustainable intensive buildings Ken Yeang
907 The Techniques of wood sculpture David Orchard
908 Interior spaces designed by architects Barclay F. Gordon
909 Interior design visual presentation : a guide to graphics, models, and presentation techniques Maureen Mitton
910 Research and technology buildings Hardo Braun ; Dieter Gromling
911 In Detail solar architecture : strategies, visions, concepts Christian Schittich
912 Frank gehry Marta Freunde
913 Mesjid dalam karya arsitektur nasional Indonesia Abdul Rochym
914 Landscape architecture = A manual of site planning and design John Ormsbee Simonds
915 Sun Wind and Light : Architectural design strategies G.Z. Brown ; Mark DeKay
916 Sejarah Perkembangan Kota Jakarta Abdurrachman Surjomihardjo
917 New Directions in British Architecture : Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, James Stirling Deyan Sudjic
918 Tourism and recreation = handbook of planning and design Manuel Baud-Bovy ; Fred Lawson
919 Bentuk Struktur Bangunan Dalam Arsitektur Modern R. Sutrisno
920 Arsitektur : Bentuk, Ruang, dan Tatanan Francis D.K. Ching
921 Principles Of Two-Dimensional Design Wucius Wong
922 Class architecture Michael J. Crosbie
923 Architectural conservation in Bali Eko Budihardjo
924 Ordering systems : an introduction to architectural design Edward T White
925 Libraries and learning resources centres Brian Edwards
926 The Image of the city Kevin Lynch
927 Architecture for science Michael J. Crosbie
928 Sky high living : contemporary high-rise apartment and mix-use buildings Georges Binder
929 Dasar-dasar eko arsitektur Heinz Frick ; FX. Bambang Suskiyatno
930 Struktur tata ruang kota Hadi Sabari Yunus
931 Law and practice for architects Bob Greenstreet ; Karen Greenstreet ; Brian Greenstreet
932 Architect's guide to feng shui Cate Bramble
933 Rumah tropis Sharmi Ranti
934 Tokyo : city and architecture Livio Sacchi
935 Spesifikasi kayu awet untuk perumahan dan gedung -
936 Hospitals : facilities palnning and management G.D. Kunders
937 Planning and design strategies for sustainability and profit = pragmatic sustainable design on building and urban scales Adrian Pitts
938 Standard spesifikasi matra ruang untuk rumah tinggal -
939 Drawings Paul Rudolph
940 Karya arsitek Indonesia Budi Adelar Sukada ; Bambang Sutrisno
941 Barrier free exterior design = anyone can go anyone can go anywhere Garry O. Robinette
942 The Language of post-modern architecture Charles A. Jencks
943 Ashto manual for bridge maintenance -
944 The Concise townscape Gordon Cullen
945 Design of wood structures Donald E. Breyer
946 Dimensi estetika pada karya arsitektur dan disain Artini Kusmiati
947 Structure in architecture Mario Salvadori ; Robert Heller
948 Skyscrapers : structure and design Matthew Wells
949 Standar perencanaan tapak Joseph DeChiara ;Lee E. Koppelman
950 Minangkabau Myrtha Soeroto
951 Arsitektur dalam bingkai kebudayaan Kusnaka Adimihardja ; Purnama Salura
952 Nilai-nilai arsitektur rumah tradisional Jawa Arya Ronald
953 Perumahan dan pemukiman di Indonesia : upaya membuat perkembangan kehidupan yang berkelanjutan Tjuk Kuswartojo
954 Album Bandoeng tempo doeloe Sudarsono Katam ; Lulus Abadi
955 Rumah melayu : memangku adat menjemput zaman Mahyudin Al Mudra
956 Adat dan syarak di Minangkabau Masoed Abidin
957 Adat minangkabau : pola dan tujuan hidup orang minang M.S. Amir
958 Bung Karno sang arsitek : kajian artistik karya arsitektur, tata ruang kota, interior, kria, simbol mode busana dan teks pidato 1926-1965 Yuke Ardhiati
959 Antropologi, pembangunan dan tantangan pascamodern Katy Gardner ; David Lewis
960 Tanda-tanda dalam kebudayaan kontemporer : suatu pengantar semiotika Arthur Asa Berger
961 Panduan sistem bangunan tinggi : untuk arsitek dan praktisi bangunan Jimmy S. Juwana
962 The Architecture of deconstruction : derrida's haunt Mark Wigley
963 Kampung naga : pemukiman warisan karuhun -
964 Restructuring architecture theory Marco Diani ; Catherine Ingraham
965 Arsitektur tradisionil S. Sampurno
966 Architecture and its interpretation JP. Bonta
967 Perkembangan kota dan arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Malang Handinoto ; Paulus H. Soehargo
968 Istana basa lambang persatuan dan kesatuan Minangkabau Dalhikmal
969 Sejarah arsitektur Islam : sebuah tinjauan Abdul Rochym
970 Rethinking architecture : a reader in cultural theory Leach Neil
971 The Color of cities : an International perspective Lois Swirnoff
972 Free sprit in architecture Andreas Papadakis
973 Principles of timber design for architects and builders Don A. Halperin ; G. Thomas Bible
974 Pengantar kepada arsitektur Saleh Amirudin
975 Sejarah medan tempo doeloe Tengku Luckman Sinar
976 Master planning for architecture : theory and practice of designing building complexes as development frameworks Keith Billings
977 American architecture David D. Handlin
978 The Art of tantra Philip Rawson
979 Religious facilities : new concepts in architecture and design -
980 Architecture and construction in steel Alan Blanc ; Michael McEvoy ; Roger Plank
981 Exterior rendering : shop and restaurant -
982 Interiors : perspectives in architectural design -
983 Lighting in architectural design Derek Phillips
984 The Architet's handbook of professional practice/ Vol.2, 3, 4 -
985 Arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia Yulianto Sumalyo
986 Perencanaan pembangunan wilayah Robinson Tarigan
987 Perkembangan kota dan arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Surabaya 1870-1940 Handinoto
988 Urban villages and southern ridges and hill side villages -
989 Kampong glam : historic district -
989 China town : historic distric -
990 The Art of shaping Singapore -
991 Shaping singapore -
992 Singapore 1:1 city : a gallery of architecture and urban design Wong Yun Criti
993 Architectural quality control : an illustrated guide Fred Nashed
994 Design innovation for ageing and alzheimer's : creating caring environments Elizabeth C. Brawley
995 Architecture : form, space, and order Francis D.K Ching
996 relativitas : arsitek di ruang angan dan kenyataan Adi Purnomo
997 Building security : handbook for architectural planning and design Barbara A. Nadel
998 Islam + Architecture Sabiha Foster
999 Time-Saver standards for architectural design : technical data for professional practice Donal Watson ; Michael J. Crosbie
1000 Hospital builders Tony Monk

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