Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Koleksi Buku Arsitektur Bagian 3

Collection of Architectural Books Part 3

407 New Towns : their origins, achievements and progress Frederic J. Osborn ; Arnold Whittick
408 New York a guide to metropolis: walking tours of architecture and history Gerard R Wolfe
409 New York architecture 1970 to 1990 Heinrich Klotz ; Luminita Saban
410 New York proclaimed V.S. Pritchett
411 Norman Foster Daniel Treiber
412 Offices : a briefing and design guide Stephen Bailey
413 Open research -
414 Operation research : an introduction Hamdy A. Taha
415 Order in space : a design source book Keith Critclow
416 Oriental architecture Mario Bussagli
417 Oscar Niemeyer -
418 Outdoor design : a handbook for the architect's and planner Olwen C. Marlowe
419 Palaces of venice Peter Lauritzen ; Alexander Zieleke
420 Panos Koulermos -
421 Papunya Tula : art of the western desert Geoffrey Bardon
422 Parking structures : planning, design, construction , maintenance and repair Anthony P. Chrest ; Mary S. Smith ; Sam Bhuyan
423 Pasang surut arsitektur di Indonesia Josep Prijotomo
424 Passive and low energy cooling of buildings Baruch Givoni
425 Pedoman konservasi koleksi museum V.J. Herman
426 Pedoman pembakuan museum umum tingkat propinsi -
427 Pemukim dan pemukiman di wilayah DKI Jakarta M.Isa Ansyari ; H. Candrian Attahiyyat
428 Penanggulangan bahaya narkotika dan psikotropika Jean Mandagi ; M. Wresniwiro ; A.Haris Sumarna
429 Pendekatan kepada perancangan arsitektur Isaac Arg
430 Pendekatan sistem kepada arsitektur A. Benjamin Handler
431 Pengantar arsitektur James C. Snyder
432 Pengantar kepada arsitektur James C. Snyder ; Anthony J. Catanese
433 Pengantar kepada arsitektur pertamanan Michael Laurie
434 Pengantar penyusunan program arsitektur Edward T. White
435 Pengantar perancangan kota : desain dan perencanaan kota / Jil.1 Arthur B. Gallion ; Simon Eisner
436 Pengantar perencanaan kota Anthony J. Catanese ; James C. Snyder
437 Pengantar sejarah perencanaan perkotaan sebuah kumpulan karangan Anthony J. Catanese
438 Penyajian gambar arsitektur : suatu penyajian dengan pendekatan fotografis Ernest Burden
439 Penyelusuran masalah : sebuah dasar penyusunan program arsitektur jil.1 dan 2 William Pena ; Wiliam Caudill ; John Focko
440 Peran serta masyarakat dalam pembangunan -
441 Peran, kesan dan pesan bentuk-bentuk arsitektur Hendraningsih
442 Perancangan kota secara terpadu : teori perancangan kota dan penerapannya Markus Zahnd
443 Perception and lighting as for engineers for architecture William M.C. Han
444 Perception and lighting as for engineers for architecture William M.C. Han
445 Percikan masalah arsitektur , perumahan perkotaan Eko Budhardjo
446 Perencanaan kota Anthony J. Catanese ; James C. Snyder
447 Perencanaan tapak untuk perumahan (tapak berukuran kecil) / jil.1 Richard Untermann ; Robert Small
448 Perencanaan tapak untuk perumahan ( Bagian kedua : tapak Berukuran Besar) / jil.2 Richard Untermann ; Robert Small
449 Perencanaan tapak untuk perumahan Ricard Untermann ; Robert Small
450 Persepsi bentuk dan konsep arsitektur Eppi P. Suriawidjaja []
451 Perspective Jan Verdeman DeVries
452 Perspektif untuk para arsitek georg Schaarwachten
453 Petungan : sistem ukuran dalam arsitektur Jawa Josef Prijotomo ; Murni Rachmawati
454 Planning : architects technical reference data Edward D. Mills
455 Planning : Buildings for health welfare and religion Edward D. Mills
456 Planning academic and research library buildings Keyes D. Metcalf
457 Planning and design of library buildings Godfrey Thompson
458 Planning office space Francis Duffy ; Colin Cave ; John Worthington
459 playground design : outdoor environment for learning and development Aase Eriksen
460 Policy in urban planning William Solesbury
461 Post-modern malpractice Forrest Wilson
462 Post-modernism : the new classicism in art and architecture Charles Jencks
463 Preseden dalam arsitektur Roger H. Clark ; Michael Pause
464 Preserving American : mansions and estates William C. Shopsin
465 Princiles of pneumatic architecture Roger N. Dent
467 Principles of hotel design -
468 Principles of natural lighting J.A. Lynes
469 Principles of three - dimensial design Wucius Wang
470 Prinsip-prinsip komposisi Hamlin Talbot
471 Prinsip-prinsip perancangan dalam arsitektur Kenneth Smithies
472 Prison architecture : an international survey of representative closed institution and analysis of current trends in prison design -
473 Problem seeking : an architectural programming primer William M. Pena ; Steven A. Parshall
474 Production systems for architects and designers Fred A. Stitt
478 Programming the built environment Wolfgang F.E. Preiser
479 Programs and manifestoes on 20th century architecture Ulrich Conrads
480 Project management in hotel and resort development Margaret Huffadine
481 Property asset management Douglas Scarrett
482 Religious buildings -
483 Rencana bagian wilayah kota thn 2005 : Kec. Setia Budi -
484 Rendering in pen and ink Arthur L. Guplitt
485 Renzo Piano : buildings and projects , 1971-1989 Renzo Piano
486 Residential style : superb selectionof of contemporary home interiors -
487 Restaurant architecture and design Man Feng Leu
488 Richard Rogers 1978-1988 Toshio Nakamura
489 Ringkasan ilmu bangunan : bagian A dan B J. Kwantes
490 Roofs Roy E. Owen
491 Ruang dalam arsitektur Cornelis Van de Ven
492 Rumah tumbuh : membangun rumah tahap demi tahap, rencana dan bahan-bahan yang dipakai Zainal A.Z
493 Rural change and planning : England and Wales in the 20th century Gordon E. Cherry ; Alan Rogers
494 Rural planning problems Gordon E. Cherry
495 Safe cities : guidelines for planning, design, and management Gerda R. Wekerle ; Carolyn Whitzman
496 Sales promotion design Robert B. Konikow
497 Scandinavian country Joann Brarwick
498 Shop fronts Jacques Debaigts
499 Sculpting with the environment : a natural diaolgue Baile Oakes
500 Schaufenster international and window display Walker Knapp
501 Self, space and shelter : an introduction to housing Norma L. Newmark ; Patricia J. Thompson
502 Setengah abad perumahan rakyat -
503 Sign design : environmental graphics -
504 Site details from architectural graphics standards Charles George Ramsey ; Harold Reeve Sleeper
505 Site planning Kevin Lynch
506 Site planning : environment, process, and development R. Gene Brooks
507 Site planning standards Joseph De Chiara ; Lee E. Koppelman
508 Skala dalam arsitektur Frank Orr
509 Skidmore, Owings & Merritt, architecture and urbanism 1973-1982 Oswald W. Grube
510 Space for people : human factors in design Corwinn Bennett
511 Space operational analysis : a systematic approach to spatial analysis and programming Manuel Marti
512 Space planning basics Mark Karlen
513 Sports facilities Fransisco Asensio Cerver (ed)
514 Standar tata cara perencanaan rumah susun modular Dep. PU
515 Stone in architecture : properties, durability Erhard M. Winkler
516 Structural concepts and systems for architects and engineers T.Y. Lin ; S.D. Stotesbury
517 Structuralisme in architecture and urban planning Arnulf Luchinger
518 Structure and architecture Angus J. MacDonald
519 Structure in architecture Mario Salvadori ; Robert Heller
520 Structures for architects Bryan J.B. Gauld
521 Struktur bangunan bertingkat tinggi Wolfgang Schueller
522 Succesful restaurant design Regina S. Baraban ; Joseph F. Durocher
523 Sustaining cities : environmental planning and management in urban design Josef Leitmann
524 Swimming pool = a Treatise on the planning, layout, design and construction, including water treatment and other services Philip H. Perkins
525 Tata guna tanah dalam perencanaan pedesaan, perkotaan dan wilayah Jakara T. Jayadinata
526 Tata ruang Fritz Wilkening
527 Techniques of succesful practice for architects and engineers William B. Foxhall
528 Techniques of succesful practice for architects & engineers William B. Foxhall
529 Teknik mendesain perabot yang benar M. Gani Kristianto
530 Teknik menggambar arsitektur Mauro P.R. ; FX Budi W ; Yasin N
531 Teknik rendering dan presentasi rancangan interior Sid DelMar Leach
532 Tensile architecture Phillip Drew
533 The American city: what works, what doesn't Alexander Garvin
534 The Architect's guide to facility programming Mickey A. Palmer
535 The architect's handbook of professional practice /Vol.1 David Haviland
536 The Architect's legal handbook = the law for architects Antony Speaight ; Gregory Stone
537 The architecture of building services Gordon Nelson
538 The architecture of concurrent programs Per Brinch Hansen
539 The Architecture of the window Vittorio Magnano Lampugnani
540 The Art of making mosaics Louisa Jenkins ; Barbara Mills
541 The Black & white book Dale Russel
542 The Blue book Dale Russel
543 The book of art -
544 The Chinese war and the collapse of the Javanesse state 1725-1743 Williem Remmelink
545 The city square Michael Webb
546 The Complete guide to greeting card design & illustration Eva Szela
547 The Design encyclopedia Mel Byars
548 The design of urban space Richard M Cartwright
549 The expressionist Wolf-Dieter Dube
550 The Failure of modern architecture Brent C. Brolin
551 The house of God : church architecture, style and history Edward Norman
552 The Illustrated encyclopedia of architects and architecture Dennis Sharp
553 The Invisible in architecture Ole Bouman ; Roemer Van Toorn
554 The kitchen planner Robin Murrell
555 The landscape we see Garret Eckbo
556 The Language of architecture Niels Luning Prak
557 The language of architecture / Vol.1 Sven Hesselgren
558 The Language of Post Modern Architecture Charles Jencks
559 The living landscape :an ecological approach to landscape planning Frederick Steiner
560 The Making of civilazation : history discovered through archeology Ruth Whitehouse ; John Wilkins
561 The Master architect : conversations with frank lloyd Frank Lloyd Wright
562 The New downtowns: rebuiding business districts Louis G. Redstone
563 The New German architecture Gerhard G. Felmeyer
564 The origins of western art Ann Powell
565 The Pastel book Dale Russel
566 The philosophy of symbiosis/td> Kisho Kurokawa
567 The Photography of architecture twelve views Akiko Bush
568 The psychology of place David Canter
569 The reasoning architect : mathematics and science in design Garry Stevens
570 The red book Dale Russel
571 The Theory of architecture : concepts, themes, & practices Paul-Alan Johnson
572 The traveller's architecture : a comprehensive account of building & design from roman times to the present day Harry Holland
573 The urban design process Hamid Shirvani
574 The Yellow book Dale Russel
575 Theatres and auditoriums Harold Buris-Meyer ; Edward C. Cole
576 Theories and principles of design in the architecture of Islamic societies -
577 Theory and experimentation : an intelectual extravaganza Andreas Papadakis
578 Time-Saver standards for architectural design data John Hancock Callendar
579 Time-saver standards for housing and residential development Joseph De Chiara ; Julius Panero ; Martin Zelnik
580 Tourism marketing and management handbook Stephen F. Witt ; Liiz Moutinho
581 Towards a new architecture Le Corbusier
582 Transport station Fransisco Asensio Cerver
583 Trees : for architecture and the landscape Robert L. Zion
584 Tropical architecture & interiors : traditions-based design of Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore-Thailand Tan Hock Beng
585 Under the sun : desert style architecture Suzi Moore
586 Underground space design John Carmody ; Raymond L. Sterling
587 Underground space design : a guide to subsurface utilization & design for people in underground spaces John Carmody ; Raymond L. Sterling
588 Understanding buildings : a multidisciplinary approach Esmond Reid
589 Understanding color : an introduction for designers Linda Holtzschue
590Urban design as public policy Jonathan Barnett
591 Urban housing Margaret Bently Sevcenko
592 Urban landscape design Garrett Eckbo
593 Urban planning Anthony J. Catanese ; James C. Snyder
594 Urban planning and design criteria Josep De Chiara ; Lee Koppelman
595 Urban planning for arid zones Gideo Golany
596 Urban studies : an introductory reader Louis K. Loewenstein
597 Vertical transportation : elevator and escalator George R. Strakosch
598 Vitruvius : the ten books on architecture Morris Hicky Morgan
599 Walls Robert Fisher
600 Wastu citra: pengantar ke ilmu budaya bentuk arsitektur sendi-sendi filsafatnya beserta contoh-contoh praktis Y.B. Mangunwijaya

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