Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Koleksi Buku Teknik Sipil Bagian 4

Textbook Collection Civil Engineering Part 4

601 Knowledge-based systems in engineering Clive L. Dym ; Raymond E. Levitt
602 Konsep-konsep probabilitas dalam perencanaan dan perancangan rekayasa : prinsip-prinsip dasar/ Jil.1 Alfredo H-S. Ang ; Wilson H. Tang
603 Konstruksi baja : teori, perhitungan dan pelaksanaan A.P. Potma ; J.E. De Vries
604 Konstruksi baja 1 Loa Wikarya Darmawan
605 Konstruksi beton Indonesia Sutami
606 Konstruksi djalan raya J. Honing
607 Konstruksi jalan raya Djoko Untung Soedarsono
608 Konstruksi kayu Suhardjono ; Ester Prikasari
609 Laboratory works in soil mechanics Brian Vickers
610 Lain-lain = miscellanious/ Vol. 6 -
611 Land development for civil engineers Thomas R. Dion
612 Lightweight concrete Andrew Short ; William Kinni Burgh
613 Limit-state design of prestressed concrete/ Vol.2 Y. Guyon
614 Limit-state design of prestressed concrete : the design of the section / Jil.1 Y. Guyon
615 Limit-state design of reinforced concrete A.L.L Baker
616 Linear programming and extensions Nesa Wu ; Richard Coppins
617 Management : a global perspective Heinz Weihrich ; Harold Koontz
618 Management information systems David Kroenke
619 Management of engineering projects Victor G. Hajek
620 Management of small construction projects Alfred P. McNulty
621 Managing the construction project : a practical guide for the project manager Theodore J. Trauner
622 Manajemen konstruksi profesional Donald S. Barrie ; Boyd C. Paulson ; Sudinarto
623 Membangun : manajemen konstruksi untuk para kontraktor bagian 1 J.M. Staadegaard ; O.G. Nieuwenhuis
624 Manajemen konstruksi Vincent G. Bush
625 Manajemen Proyek Dennis Lock
626 Manajemen proyek dan kostruksi/ Jil.1 dan 2 Istimawan Dipohusodo
627 Manajemen proyek A. Koolma ; C.J.M. Van De Schoot
628 Manajemen/ Jil.1 dan Jil.2 Harold Koontz ; Cyril o'Donnell ; Heinz Weihrich
629 Manual of seismic design James L. Stratta
630 Manual of surface drainage engineering/ Vol.2 B.Z. Kinon ; J. Mevorach
631 Manual on foundation investigations 1978 -
632 Maritime and offshore structure maintenance -
633 Masonry design and detailing for architects, engineers and contractors Christine Beall
634 Matematika lanjutan untuk para insinyur dan ilmuwan : Teori dan soal-soal Murray R. Spiegel ; Koko Martono
635 Material of construction R.C. Smith ; C.K. Andres
636 Materials handling : principles and practice Theodore H. Allegri
637 Mathematical analisys of groundwater resources Bruce Hunt
638 Mathematical methods in computer aided geometric design Tom Lyche ; Larry L. Schumaker
639 Matriks teori dan soal-soal Frank Ayers
640 Matrix analysis of framed structures William Weaver ; James M. Gere
641 Matrix computer analysis of stuctures Moshe F. Rubinstein
642 Matrix methods of structural analysis R.K. Livesley
643 Matrix structural analysis J.J. Azar
644 Matrix structural analysis William McGuire ; Richard H. Gallager
645 Matrix structural analysis John L Meek
646 Matrix structural analysis M. Daniel Vanderbilt
647 Matrix methods of structural analysis M.B Kanchi
648 Measuring engineering properties of soil Warren K. Wray
649 Mechanical and electrical equipment for buildings Benjamin Stein ; John S. Reynolds
670 Mechanics of composite materials R.M. Christensen
671 Mechanics of materials Ferdinand P. Beer
672 Mechanics of materials S.P. Timoshenko ; James M. Gere
673 Mekanika fluida dan hidraulika: teori dan soal-soal Ranald V. Giles
674 Mekanika panas dan bunyi Francis Weston Sears
675 Mekanika tanah ( soil mechanics) M.J. Smith
676 Mekanika tanah (prinsip-prinsip rekayasa geoteknis)/ Jil.1 dan 2 Braja M. Das
677 Mekanika tanah L.D. Wesley
678 Mekanika tanah dalam praktek rekayasa Karl Terzaghi ; Raplh Deck
679 Mekanika tanah dalam praktek rekayasa/ Jil.1 Karl Terzaghi ; Ralph B. Peck
680 Mekanika tanah R.F. Craig
681 Mekanika teknik (mechanics of materials) E.P Popov
682 Mekanika teknik 2 : statika dan kegunaannya/ Jil.2 Heinz Frick
683 Mekanika teknik S. Timoshenko ; D.h. Young
684 Mekanika untuk insinyur : statika Ferdinand P Beer ; E. russell Johnston
685 Merancang, merencana lapangan terbang Heru Basuki
686 Methods and materials of construction : a guide for builder's owners architects and engineers Laurence Reiner
687 Methods of measuring air pollution -
688 Metoda pelaksanaan struktur Ratu Plaza Harianto Hardjasaputra
689 Metode penelitian Moh.Nazir
690 Metode penelitian survai Masri Singarimbun, Sofian Effendi
691 Microcomputers and applications John C. Day, Thomas H.Athey, Robert W.Zmud
692 Microestimating for civil engineers Rodney D. Stewar ; Ann L. Stewartt
693 Modeling and control of river quality S. Rinaldi
694 Modern foundation : introduction to advanced techniques Nanian P. Kurian
695 Modern physics for scientists and engineers John R Taylor ; Chris D Zafiratos
696 Modern prestressed concrete H. Kent Preston ; Norman J. Sollenberger
697 Modern prestressed concrete : design principles and construction methods James R. Libby
698 Modern prestressed concrete design Ramaswamy
699 Modern prestressed concrete highway bridge superstructures : design principles and construction methods James R. Libby ; Norman D. Perkins
700 Modern structural analysis: the matrix method approach Anthony E. Armenakas
701 Motivation and productivity in the construction industry Robert H. Warren
702 Multy storey building in steel F. Hart ; W. Henn ; H. Sontag
703 Multy-story frames : calculation and moment-tables F. Takabeya
704 Network planning/ Jil.2 Soetomo Kajatno
705 New directions in optimum structural design E. Atrek
706 New perspective on community development Mahlon Apgar
707 Nonliniear analysis of plates Chuen-Yuan Chia
708 Numerical methods for engineers Steven C. Chapra ; raymond P. Canale
709 Numerical methods in geotechnical engineering Chandrakant S. Desai ; John T. Christian
710 Open-channel hydraulics Richard H. French
711 Open-channel hydraulics French
712 Operations research : sebuah pengantar Dj.A. Simarmata
713 Optimal statistical decisions Morris H. De Groot
714 Optimum structural design : concepts, methods, and applications Uri Kirsch
715 Optimum structural design : theory and applications R.H. Gallagher ; O.C. Zienkiewicz
716 Overlay drafting systems Chester W. Edwards
717 Panduan pemasangan sistem sprinkler untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan rumah dan gedung Dep. PU
718 Partial differential equations & boundary-value problems with applications Mark A.Pinsky
719 Pavements and surfacings for highways and airports Sargious
720 PDE perencanaan dan evolusi : suatu sistem untuk proyek pembangunan Firman B. Aji ; S. Martin Sirait
721 Pedoman mendirikan bangunan gedung Dep PU
722 Pedoman pengerjaan beton : berdasarkan SKSNI T-15-1991-03 R. Sagel ; P. Kole ; Gideon Kusuma
723 Pedoman perencanaan bangunan baja untuk gedung Dep. PU
724 Pedoman perencanaan ketahanan gempa untuk rumah dan gedung Dep. PU
725 Pedoman perencanaan pembebanan untuk rumah dan gedung Dep. PU
726 Pedoman perencanaan penangkal petir Dep. PU
727 Pelaksanaan pembangunan gorong gorong dan jembatan Dalimin
728 Pemograman dengan basic Byron S. Gottried
729 Pengantar pemetaan : teori dan soal-soal James R.Wirshing ; Roy H. Wirshing
730 Pengantar penelitian ilmiah : dasar, metode dan teknik Winarno Surakhmad
731 Pengantar reklamasi rawa Suhardjono
732 Pengantar teknik dan perencanaan transportasi Edward K. Morlok
733 Pengetahuan bahan teknik Tata Surdia ; Shinroku Saito
734 Pengukuran topografi dan teknik pemetaan Suyono Sosrodarsono ; Masayoshi Takasaki
735 Penjelasan peraturan perencanaan konstruksi jalan rel (penjelasan PD No. 10) PJKA
736 Peralatan dan bahan jalan = road equipment/ Vol.5 -
737 Perancangan dan perencanaan sistem rekayasa Dale D. Meredith
738 Perencanaan dan perancangan bandar udara / Jil.1 dan 2 Robert Horonjeff ; Francis X. Mckelvey
739 Perencanaan konstruksi jalan rel ( peraturan dinas no.10) PJKA
740 Perencanaan peralatan dan metode konstruksi R.I .Peurifoy ; W.B. Ledbetter ; Djoko Martono
741 Persamaan diferensial : dalam satuan SI Metric Frank Ayres
742 Physical and geotechnical properties of soils Joseph E. Bowles
743 Pile design and construction practice M.J. Tomlinson
745 Piling and ground treatment -
746 Planning and design of airports Robert Horonjeff ; Francis X. McKelvey
747 Plastic analysis and design of plates, shells, and disks M.A. Save ; C.E. Massonnet
748 Plastic design L.J. Morris ; A.L. Randall
749 Plastic design in steel : a guide and commentary -
750 Plastic design of low rise-frames M.R. Horne ; L.J. Morris
751 Plastic theory of structures M.R. Horne
752 Plasticity in reinforced concrete W.F. Chen
753 Plated structures : stability and strength Narayanan
754 Post tensioned prestressed concrete C.B. Wilby
755 Power plant evaluation and design reference guide Tyler G. Hicks
756 Practical problems in soil mechanics and foundation engineering/ Jil.1 - 2 Guy Sanglerat ; Gilbert Olivari ; Bernard cambou
757 Precalculus : functions and graphic M.A Munem ; J.P Yizze
758 Precast cocrete piles -
759 Precast concrete design and applications A.M. Haas
760 Prestressed load - bearing metal structures E. Belenya
761 Prestressed concrete analysis and design : fundamentals Antoine E. Naaman
762 Prestressed concrete beams : design and logical analysis C.B. Wilby
763 Prestressed concrete designer's handbook P.W. Abeles
764 Principle of hydrology R.C. Ward ; M. Robinson
765 Principles and practice of bridge engineering S.P. Bindra
766 Principles and practices of heavy construction Ronald C. Smith
767 Principles of engineering economy Eugene L. Grant ; W.Rant Ireson ; Richard S. Leavenworth
768 Principles of highway engineering and traffic analysis Fred L. Mannering ; Walter P. Kilareski
769 Principles of management information systems Scott
770 Principles of management George R. Terry
771 Principles of pavement design E.J. Yoder ; M.W. Witczak
772 Principles of soil mechanics Ronald F. Scott
773 Principles of structural stability theory Chajes
774 Principles of surveying Charles A. Herubin
775 Probability and statistic for engineers and scientists Ronald E. Walpole ; Raymond H. Myers
776 Probability concepts in engineering planning and design/ Vol.1 Alfredo H.S. Ang ; Wilson H. Tang
777 Problems in building construction : a scientific method approach J. Trill ; J.T. Bowyer
778 Profesional construction management : including C.M, design-construct and general contracting Donald S. Barrie ; Boyd c. Paulson
779 Professional construction management Donald S. Barrie ; Boyd C. Paulson
780 Project management : engineering and construction Arthur E. Kerrridge ; Charles H. Vervalin
781 Project management for engineering and construction Garold D. Oberlender
782 Promotion strategies for design and construction firms Wilma Barr
783 Properties, Evaluation, and control of engineering materials William A. Cordon
784 Public health engineering : sewerage Ronald E. Bartlett
785 Pumping stations for water and sewage Ronald E. Bartlett
786 Quantitative construction management : uses of linear optimization Robert M. Stark ; Robert H. Mayer
787 Quantitative methods in construction management and design J.F. Woodward
789 Railway construction N. Shadrin
790 Railways, bridges and tunnels V.N. Vazirani ; S.P. Chandola
791 Random functions and hydrology Rafael L. Bras ; Ignacio Rodriquez Iturbe
792 Reading and interpreting strong motion accelerograms D.E. Hudson
793 Recent developments in the design and construction of piles Anthony M. Burt
794 Reiforced concrete slabs R. Park ; W.L. Gamble
795 Reinforced concrete : an international manual -
796 Reinforced concrete design Sinha
797 Reinforced concrete design Chu-Kia Wang ; charles G. Salmon
798 Reinforced concrete detailer's manual Brian W. Boughton
799 Reinforced concrete fundamentals Phil M. Ferguson
800 Reinforced concrete structures R. Park ; T. Paulay

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