Jumat, 25 November 2011

Koleksi Buku Teknik Sipil Bagian 9

Textbook Collection Civil Engineering Part 9

1491 Analisis dan Perancangan Fondasi Hary Christady, Hardiyatmo
1492 Balok dan Pelat Beton Bertulang Ali Asroni
1493 Pemenang Penilaian Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah Bidang Pekerjaan Umum 2009 Ismanto, Amwari Idrus, Dedy Permadi
1494 Open Channel Hydraulics Terry W. Strum
1495 Reading and Writing Skills for Engineering Students in Indonesia Agustin Rebecca Lakawa, Albertine Andriani
1496 CPM in Construction Management James J O'brien, Fredric L Plotnick
1497 Pengendalian Mutu Beton: sesuai SNI, ACI dan ASTM Pujo Aji, Rachmat Purwono
1498 Kolom Fondasi dan Balok Beton Bertulang Ali Asroni
1499 Manajemen Proyek Nurhayati
1500 Gagalnya Sistem Kanal: pengendalian banjir Jakarta dari masa ke masa Restu Gunawan
1501 Beton Bertulang: sebuah pendekatan mendasar Edward G. Nawy, Tavio, Benny Kusuma
1502 Tata Ruang Air Robert J. Kodoatie, Roestam Sjarief
1503 Fundamentals of Hydraulics Engineering Systems Robert J. Houghtalen, Ned H.C. Hwang. A. Osman Akan
1504 Cara memperbaiki bangunan sederhana yang Rusak Akibat Gempa Bumi Teddy Boen
1505 Civil Engineering Formulas Tyler G. Hicks
1506 Reinforced Concrete Structures: Analysis and Design David A. Fanella
1507 Traffic Engineering Roger P. Roess, Elena S. Prassas, William R. McShane
1508 Management of Transportation JohnyCoyle [et.al]
1509 Geotechnical Engineering: principles and practice Donals P. Coduto, Manchu Ronald Yeung, William A. Kitch
1510 Fundamentals of Structural Analysis Kenneth M. Leet, Chia-Ming Uang, Anne M. Gilbert
1511 Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers Michael S. Mamlouk, John P. Zaniewski

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Koleksi Buku Arsitektur Bagian 9

collection of architectural books part 9

1474 Mengusik Tata Penyelenggaraan Lingkungan Hidup dan Permukiman: Pemukiman, Perkotaan dan Pendidikan Arsitektur Tjuk Kuswartojo
1475 Grafik Arsitektur Francis D.K. Ching
1476 Hospital Kwang-Young Jeong
1477 Hospital Facilities Kwang-Young Jeong
1478 Jelajah Musi : eksotika sungai di ujung senja Kenedi Nurhan
1479 Konstruksi Bangunan Tidak Bertingkat Rosalinda Wiemar, Wara Judawati
1480 Encona Engineering: turning idea in toreality 1870-2010 Engineering Encona
1481 Mengusik Tata Penyelenggaraan Lingkungan Hidup dan Pemukiman; pembangunan dan lingkungan hidup Tjuk Kuswartojo
1482 Educational Faculities Kwang-Young Jeong
1483 New Frontiers In Architecture: the United Arab Emirates between vision and reality Oscar Eugenio Belini; Laura Daglio
1484 Pedoman Perancangan Utilitas pad Bangunan Khotijah Lahji; Eka Sediadi R; Wara H. Judawati
1485 2010 Architecture Competition Annual 3 Kwang-Young Jeong
1486 Pembangunan Kawasan dan Tata Ruang Rahardjo Adisasmita
1487 Pesan dari Wae Rebo: kelahiran kembali arsitektur nusantara sebuah pelajaran dari masa lalu untuk masa depan Yori Antar
1488 Prefab Architecture : a guide to modular design and construction Ryan E. Smith
1489 Listrik Tenaga Surya (Photovoltaic) dalam Perancangan Arsitektur Eka Sediadi Rasyad
1490 Building Type Basic for Housing Robert Chandler (et.al)
1491 2010 Architecture Competition annual 4 Kwang-Young Jeong
1492 Alternative Energy System in Building Design Peter Gevorkian

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Koleksi Buku Peraturan

Collection of Books Rule

1 Kamus teknik : empat bahasa Belanda, Inggris, Jerman, Indonesia B.S. Anwir ; W.H.H de Jager
2 Kamus teknik lima bahasa (K-M) / jil.2 B.S. Anwir
3 Kamus teknik lima bahasa (N-P)/ jil.3 B.S. Anwir ; Rosnim Djaafar ; Sjarif Amiroeddin
4 Kamus teknik lima bahasa (Q-Z)/jil.4 B.S. Anwir ; Rosnim Djaafar ; Sjarif Amiroeddin
5 Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia -
6 Kamus Indonesia - Ingrris = an Indonesian-English dictionary John M. Echols ; Hassan Shadily
7 Kamus Inggris - Indonesia John M. Echols ; Hassan Shadily
8 Kamus management Moekijat
9 Kamus teknik sipil : Indonesia-Inggris, Inggris-Indonesia Iman Subarkah
10 Peraturan bangunan nasional Departemen PU
11 Peraturan konstruksi kayu Indonesia -
12 Peraturan Pelaksanaan Permbangunan Jalan Raya = Standard specification for highway construction -
13 Peraturan perencanaan bangunan baja Indonesia ( PPBBI) Dep. PU
14 Peraturan Perencanaan Geometrik Jalan Raya = Standard specification for geometric design of rural highways No.13/1970 -
15 Peraturan perencanaan tahan gempa Indonesia untuk gedung 1981 Dep. PU
16 Peraturan perencanaan tahan gempa Indonesia untuk gedung 1983 Dep. PU
17 Peraturan umum instalasi listrik Indonesia 1977 (PUIL 1977) -
18 Perhitungan konstruksi beton bangunan bertingkat satu -
19 Perhitungan konstruksi rangka atap baja -
20 Perhitungan lentur dengan cara "n" : disesuaikan kepada peraturan beton bertulang Indonesia 1971 Wiratman Wangsadinata

Koleksi Buku Pengetahuan

Collection of Books of Knowledge

1 A complete AUTOCAD databook A.E. Hill, R.D. Pilkington
2 Agenda 21 Indonesia : strategi nasional untuk pembangunan -
3 Menjelajah internet dengan Windows 95 Ned Snell
4 Agama Budha dan ilmu pengetahuan Buddhadasa P.Kirthingsinghe
5 Acropolis restoration : the CCAM interventions Richard Economakis
6 Marketing and selling design services : the designer client relationship Marry V. Knackstedt
7 Cara meneliti Nick Moore
8 Ensiklopedi Indonesia : a - cer/ Jil.1 -
9 Ensiklopedi Indonesia : ces - ham/ Jil.2 -
10 Ensiklopedi Indonesia : han - koe/ Jil.3 -
11 Ensiklopedi Indonesia : kom - ozo/ Jil.4 -
12 Ensiklopedi Indonesia : p - shf/ Jil.5 -
13 Ensiklopedi Indonesia : shi - vaj/ Jil.6 -
14 Ensiklopedi Indonesia : vak - zwi indeks/ Jil.7 -
15 Ilmuwan dan Bahasa Indonesia : menyambut 60 tahun Sumpah Pemuda Adjat Sakri
16 Lands and people/ Jil.1 - 6 -
17 Manajer dan bawahan Saul W. Gellerman
18 Manusia teknologi dan lingkungan: pemikiran ke masa depan Wiranto Arismunandar
19 Sang Budha dan ajaran-ajaranNya bagian 1 Narada
20 The Book of popular science/ Vol.1 - 10 -

Buku Penelitian


1 Prosiding seminar nasional pengelolaan ekosistem pantai dan pulau-pulau kecil dalam konteks negara kepulauan -
2 Laporan hasil studi dan pelaksanaan studi observasi arsitektur di Sumatera : umum -
3 Laporan hasil studi dan pelaksanaan studi observasi arsitektur di Sumatera : khusus -
4 Studi deskriptif tentang performasi tim manajemen proyek dalam pengelolaan proyek pembangunan kampus baru Universitas Indonesia di Depok Jawa Barat Indartoyo
5 Perkembangan morfologis pemukiman Cina di Jakarta, studi kasus : lingkungan glodok-kota lama Jakarta R.O. Tamara
6 Perilaku manusia pada penghuni asrama : dengan kasus asrama kampus lembaga pengembangan perbankan Indonesia Susilo
7 Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi sosial penghuni dalam mengelola lingkungan rumah susun Hardi Utomo
8 Suatu kajian tentang pengadaan dan pemanfaatan fasilitas sosial di lingkungan pemukiman kampung kota : kampung sekeloa Bandung sebagai studi kasus Dedes Nur gandarum
9 Evaluasi fungsi ruang publik terhadap aspek keamanan dan keselamatan penghuni bangunan rumah susun empat lantai Hary Wahjono
10 Kehidupan masyarakat miskin dalam proses peremajaan kota Jakarta, suatu kajian kasus dirumah susun pulogadung Agus Saladin
11 Estimasi pengaruh hujan terhadap durasi aktivitas galian Bambang Endro Yuwono
12 Proceedings Arte-Polis 3 International Conference : Creative Collaboration and the Making of Place : learning from shared creative experiences. Vol. 1 Ahmad Rida Soemardi
13 Proceedings Arte-Polis 3 International Conference : Creative Collaboration and the Making of Place : learning from shared creative experiences. Vol. 2 Ahmad Rida Soemardi
14 Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Smart Green City Planning 2010 Dirjen Penataan Ruang Kementrian PU

Koleksi Buku Teknik Sipil Bagian 8

Textbook Collection Civil Engineering Part 8

1401 Modul penelitian operational proyek konstruksi Jan P Agustina
1402 Modul bahan ajar perencanaan bandar udara Luky Surachman ;Dewi Rintawati
1403 Modul bahan ajar teknologi beton Sartika Kirana Tedja ; Sutarto Hatono
1404 Modul dasar-dasar analisa numerik Lisa Samura
1405 Modul matematika I Tri Rahmat Effendi
1406 Modul matematika IV Julia Damayanti
1407 Modul dasar-dasar pemetaan Heru Pambudi
1408 Modul bahan ajar struktur baja 2 Widjaja Trisna ; Arifin Halim ; Liana Herlina
1409 Modul matematika III Mustamina Maulani
1410 Modul aplikasi dasar pemetaan Heru Pambudi
1411 Modul matematika II Dwi Prasetyo
1412 Modul struktur kayu Jan P.Agustina
1413 Modul struktur bangunan-1 Susianti Winoto ; Ruwaida Zayadi
1414 Modul manajemen konstruksi Soedibyo ; Jane Sekarsari ; Fawzy Gani
1415 Desain praktis beton prategang : mengacu pada SK SNI 03-2874-202 Andri Budiadi
1416 Ekonomi teknik M. Giatman
1417 Jembatan Bambang Supriyadi ; Agus Setyo Muntohar
1418 Drainase perkotaan Wesli
1419 Teknik fondasi 1 dan 2 Hary Christady Hardiyatmo
1420 Diktat teori soal dan penyelesaian mekanika teknik I T. Gunawan ; S. Margaret

Koleksi Buku Teknik Sipil Bagian 7

Textbook Collection Civil Engineering Part 7

1201 Theory and analysis of plates classical and numerical methods Rudolph Szilard
1202 Geotechnical modelling David Muir Wood
1203 The Wonderful world of engineering David Jackson
1204 Structural mechanics-A unified approach Alberto Carpinteri
1205 Principles & practices of heavy construction Ronald C smith ; cameron K. Andres
1206 The Work of frei otto and his teams 1955-1976 Ludwig Glaeser
1207 The Sources of modern architecture and design Nikolaus Pevsner
1208 De stijl Paul Overy
1209 Handbook of qualitative research Norman K. Denzin ; Yvonna S. Lincoln
1210 Earthscape : a manual of environmental planning John Ormsbee Simonds
1211 Notes on ACI 318-83 building code requirements for reinforced concrete with design applications -
1212 Metode numerik : dilengkapi dengan program komputer Bambang Triatmodjo
1213 Perencanaan transportasi : untuk mahasiswa, perencana dan praktisi Fidel Miro
1214 Analisa struktur : gabungan metode klasik dan matriks A. Ghali ; A.M Neville
1215 Prinsip-prinsip statistik untuk teknik dan sains Harinaldi
1216 Prinsip-prinsip mekanika tanah dan soal penyelesaian I Harry Christady Hardiyatmo
1217 Prinsip-prinsip mekanika tanah dan soal penyelesaian I Harry Christady Hardiyatmo
1218 Pelabuhan Bambang Triatmodjo
1219 Metode numerik untuk teknik : dengan penerapan pada komputer pribadi Steven C. Chapra ; Raymond P Canale
1220 Reklamasi laut dangkal : perekayasaan dan pelaksanaan reklamasi bagi proyek pantai mutiara di Pluit-Jakarta A.R. Soehoed

Koleksi Buku Teknik Sipil Bagian 6

extbook Collection Civil Engineering Part 6

1001 Urban transportation planning : a decision -oriented approach Michael D. Meyers ; Eric J. Miller
1002 Utilization of high strength/ High performance concrete/ Vol. 1 - 3 F. de Larard ; R. Lacroix
1003 Vibration spectrum analysis : practical approach Steve Goldman
1004 Vibrations of shells and plates Werner Soedel
1005 Wastewater engineering : treatment, disposal, and reuse George Tchobanoglous ; Franklin l. Burton
1006 Water - resources engineering Ray K. Linsley ; Joseph B. Franzini
1007 Water and wastewater treatment Edward D. Schroeder
1008 Water pollution technology John A. Black
1009 Water power engineering H.K. Barrows
1010 Water resources and hydrology Santosh Kumar Garg
1011 Water resources assessment : methodology and technology sourcebook Larry W. Carter
1012 Water resources handbook Larry W. Mays
1013 Water resources planning Neil S. Grigg
1014 Water supply and sewerage Terence McGhee
1015 Water supply and sewerage E.W. Steel ; Terence J. McGhee
1016 Water treatment and sanitation H.T. Mann ; D. Williamson
1017 Water treatment principles and design -
1018 Water well technology = field principles of exploration drilling and development of ground water and other selected minerals Michael D. Campbell ; Jay H. Lehr
1019 Weirs and plumes for flow measurement P. Ackers
1020 Wordperfect 4.2 power tools Rob Krumm

Koleksi Buku Teknik Sipil Bagian 5

Textbook Collection Civil Engineering Part 5

801 Reservoir engineering manual Frank W. Cole
802 Rheology and soil mechanics M.J. Keedwell
803 Risk management in engineering construction : implications for project managers Ross W. Hayes ; John G. Perry ; Peter A. Thompson
804 River and canal hydraulics / Vol.4 Serge Leliavsky
805 Road and bridge construction handbook Michael A. Lapinski
806 Road project appraisal for developing countries John W Dickey
807 Roads, railways, bridges and tunnels engineering T.D. Ahuja ; G.S. Birdi
808 Rock engineering John A. Franklin ; Mautice B. Dusseault
809 Route surveying Carl. F. Meyer
810 Sanitation in developing countries Arnold Pacey
811 Sea bed mechanics J.F.A Sleath
812 Seepage and groundwater flow K.R. Rushton ; S.C. Redshaw
813 Seepage, drainage and flow nets Harry R. Cedergreen
814 Seismic analysis of reinforced concrete buildings Kiyoshi Muto
815 Seismic design of buildings James Ambrose ; Dimitry Vergun
816 Seismic design of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings T. Paulay ; M.J.N. Priestley
817 Selected papers on soil mechanics A.W. Skempton
818 Shell structures : stability and strength R. Narayanan
819 Simplified design of structural steel Harry Parker
820 Simplified building design for wind and earthquake forces James Ambrose ; Dimitry Vergun

Koleksi Buku Teknik Sipil Bagian 4

Textbook Collection Civil Engineering Part 4

601 Knowledge-based systems in engineering Clive L. Dym ; Raymond E. Levitt
602 Konsep-konsep probabilitas dalam perencanaan dan perancangan rekayasa : prinsip-prinsip dasar/ Jil.1 Alfredo H-S. Ang ; Wilson H. Tang
603 Konstruksi baja : teori, perhitungan dan pelaksanaan A.P. Potma ; J.E. De Vries
604 Konstruksi baja 1 Loa Wikarya Darmawan
605 Konstruksi beton Indonesia Sutami
606 Konstruksi djalan raya J. Honing
607 Konstruksi jalan raya Djoko Untung Soedarsono
608 Konstruksi kayu Suhardjono ; Ester Prikasari
609 Laboratory works in soil mechanics Brian Vickers
610 Lain-lain = miscellanious/ Vol. 6 -
611 Land development for civil engineers Thomas R. Dion
612 Lightweight concrete Andrew Short ; William Kinni Burgh
613 Limit-state design of prestressed concrete/ Vol.2 Y. Guyon
614 Limit-state design of prestressed concrete : the design of the section / Jil.1 Y. Guyon
615 Limit-state design of reinforced concrete A.L.L Baker
616 Linear programming and extensions Nesa Wu ; Richard Coppins
617 Management : a global perspective Heinz Weihrich ; Harold Koontz
618 Management information systems David Kroenke
619 Management of engineering projects Victor G. Hajek
620 Management of small construction projects Alfred P. McNulty
621 Managing the construction project : a practical guide for the project manager Theodore J. Trauner
622 Manajemen konstruksi profesional Donald S. Barrie ; Boyd C. Paulson ; Sudinarto
623 Membangun : manajemen konstruksi untuk para kontraktor bagian 1 J.M. Staadegaard ; O.G. Nieuwenhuis

Koleksi Buku Teknik Sipil Bagian 3

Textbook Collection Civil Engineering Part 3

401 Development in bridge design and construction K.C. Rockey ; J.L. Bannister ; H.R. Evans
402 Development in sewerage - 1 Ronald E. Bartlett
403 Developments in soil mechanics : the second ten rankine lectures -
404 Developments in soil mechanics-1 C.R. Scott
405 Differential and integral calculus/ Jil.1 and Jil. 2 N. Piskunov
406 Differential equations Robert C. Yates
407 Dinamika struktur : teori dan perhitungan Mario Paz
408 Disain beton bertulang/ Jil.1 dan Jil. 2 Chu-Kia wang ; Charles G. Salmon ; Binsar Hariandja
409 Dredging and its environmental effects Peter A. Krenkel ; John Harrison ; J. Clement Burdick
410 Drilling practices manual Preston L. Moore
411 Dumpy level work : a guide to its use in building construction and simple surveying James Vose
412 Dynamics and vibration of structures Demeter G. Fertis
413 Dynamics of structures A primer Anil K. Chopra
414 Dynamics of structures Ray W. Clough ; Joseph Penzien
415 Earth and earth-rock dams : engineering problems of design and construction James L. Sherard
416 Earth and rockfill dams Bharat Singh ; H.D. Sharma
417 Earth reinforcement and soil structures Colin J.F.P Jones
418 Earthquake design criteria G.W. Housner ; P.C. Jennings
419 Earthquake design practice for buildings David Key
420 Earthquake engineering for large dams Radu Priscu

Koleksi Buku Teknik Sipil Bagian 2

Textbook Collection Civil Engineering Part 2

201 A practical treatise on suspension bridges D.B. Steinman
202 A seismic design analysis of building Kiyoshi Muto
203 A systems aproach to civil engineering planning and design Thomas K. Jewell
204 AASHTO interim guide for design of pavement structures 1972 AASHTO
205 Advanced calculus Wilfred Kaplan
205 Advanced engineering mathematics Erwin Kreyszig
206 Advanced quantity surveying A. Ashworth ; B.C. Heath
207 Advanced soil mechanics Braja M. Das
208 Advanced strength and applied stress applied Richard G. Budynas
209 Advanced strength of materials J.P. Den Hartog
210 Air conditioning and ventilation for buildings Derek J. Croome-Gale ; Brian M. Roberts
211 Airport engineering Norman Ashford ; Paul H. Wright
212 Airport planning and design S.K. Khanna ; M.G. Arora
213 Airport techniques P.B. Shahani
214 Airport, aircraft and airlane security Kenneth C. Moore
215 Airports and automation G.M. Crook
216 Airports and the environment Alan H. Stratford
217 Alat-alat berat dan penggunaannya Rochmanhadi
218 Algebra intermediate course Raymond A. Barnet ; Thomas J. Kearns
219 Aliran melalui saluran terbuka K.G. Ranga Raju
220 Aljabar linear elementer Howard Anton

Koleksi Buku Teknik Sipil Bagian 1

Textbook Collection Civil Engineering Part 1

1 Struktur baja : disain dan perilaku / Jil.1 Charles G. Salmon ; John E. Johnson
2 Understanding structures Fuller Moore
3 Advanced construction technology Roger Greeno
4 Advanced soil mechanics Braja M. Das
5 An introduction to geotechnical engineering Robert D. Holtz
6 Analysis and design of substructures : limit state design Swami Saran
7 Applied statics and strength of materials Leonard Spiegel ; George F. Limbruner
8 Applied structural steel design Leonard Spiegel ; George F. Limbruner
9 ASTM standards on geosynthetics -
10 Concrete construction handbook Joseph J. Waddell ; Joseph A. Dobrowolski
11 Cone penetration in geotechnical practice Tom Lune ; Peter K. Robertson ; J.M. John Powell
12 Construction dewatering : new methods and applications Patrick J. Powers
13 Construction methods and management S.W. Nunnally
14 Construction of prestressed concrete structures Ben G. Gerwick
15 Construction planning for engineers F.H. Griffis ; John Farr
16 Construction project management Richard Hudson Clough ; Glenn A Sears ; S. Keoki Sears
17 CPM in construction management James J. O'Brien ; Fredric L. Plotnick
18 Deep excavations : a practical manual Malcolm Puller
19 Design of reinforced concrete Jack C. McCormac
20 Handbook of glass in construction Joseph S. Amstock

Koleksi Buku Arsitektur Bagian 8

Collection of Architectural Books Part 8

1401 Detail annual 4/Vol.4 Kwang Young Jeong
1402 Urban space design : a book for master planner's contributions -
1403 Green building through integrated design Jerry Yudelson
1404 Emerald architecture : case studies in green building Joy Bramble Oehlkers
1405 The Architect : chapters in history of the profession Spiro Kostof
1406 Detail I Kwangyoung Jeong
1407 International design competition for the magok waterfront seol -
1408 Skyscraper 44 Kwangyoung Jeong
1409 Vizzion architects -
1410 Design city Melbourne Leon Van Schank
1411 An Asian spirit in contemporary design -
1412 A Design manual schools and kindergartens Mark Dudek
1413 A Manifesto for sustainable cities : think local act global Albert Speer
1414 Architecture now 6 Philip Jodidio
1415 Architectural graphics Francis D.K Ching
1416 Design for kids Sharon Exley ; Peter Exley
1417 Building type basics for research laboratories Daniel Watch
1418 Architectural drawing : a visual compendium of types and methods Rendow Yee
1419 Sustainable urbanism : urban design with nature Douglas Farr
1420 Sustainable design : ecology, architecture and planning Daniel E Williams

Koleksi Buku Arsitektur Bagian 7

Collection of Architectural Books Part 7

No Judul Author Image
1201 Saniter Imelda Akmal
1202 Lampu Imelda Akmal
1203 62 kamar mandi Imelda Akmal
1204 New Indonesian bedrooms : design inspirations Imelda Akmal
1205 Ruang kerja Imelda Akmal
1206 Menata rumah dengan warna Imelda Akmal
1207 Lighting Imelda Akmal
1208 Menata apartemen Imelda Akmal
1209 Bathrooms Imelda Akmal
1210 New Indonesian living rooms Imelda Akmal
1211 Menata rumah mungil Imelda Sandjaya
1212 Kamar tidur Imelda Sandjaya
1213 Kamar mandi Imelda Akmal
1214 Kamar mandi pilhan Imelda Akmal
1215 Rumah mungil yang sehat Imelda Akmal
1216 Gaya dan tema rumah mungil Imelda Sandjaya
1217 Ruang duduk Imelda Sandjaya
1218 Dapur Imelda Akmal
1219 Kamar anak dan remaja Imelda Sandjaya
1220 Digital architecture Jeong ; Ji-Seong

Koleksi Buku Arsitektur Bagian 6

Collection of Architectural Books Part 6

1001 Conceptual architecture Roberto Perez-Guerras
1002 Sustainable architecture : hightech housing Arian Mostaedi
1003 Innovative public housing -
1004 Roofs Arian Mostaedi ; Pilar Chueca
1005 Building conversion and renovation Arian Mostaedi
1006 New habitats in converted buildings Arian Mostaedi
1007 Urban houses Arian Mostaedi
1008 Urban spaces Arian Mostaedi
1009 Apartement architecture now : residential developments Arian Mostaedi
1010 The Seventy architectural wonders of our world Neil Parkyn
1011 Tall buildings -
1012 Health facilities review 2003-2004 -
1013 Detail annual 1, 2, 3 -
1014 Planning and urban design standards -
1015 Norman foster : works 4 David Jenkins
1016 Contemporary architecture : new kindergarten Ji-Seong Jeong
1017 Contemporary architecture : school building Ji-Seong Jeong
1018 Contemporary architecture : transportation center Ji-Seong Jeong
1019 Building type basics for performing arts facilities Hugh Hardy
1020 Building type basics for recreational facilities Richard J. Diedrich

Koleksi Buku Arsitektur Bagian 5

Collection of Architectural Books Part 5

Koleksi Buku Arsitektur Bagian 4

Collection of Architectural Books Part 4

601 Watercolour : concise history Graham Reynolds
602 Waterfronts : cities reclaim their edge Ann Breen ; Dick Rigby
603 Wayfinding : people, signs, and architecture Paul Arthur ; Romed Passini
604 Working and design drawings Rudolf Prenzel
605 World cities Los Angeles Maggie Toy
606 Yard-street-park : the design of sub-urban open space Cynthia L. Girling ; Kenneth I. Helphand
607 Art deco architecture Patricia Bayer
608 Alvar Aalto George Baird
609 Tropical houses : living in natural paradise Tim Street-Porter
610 Concrete regionalism Catherine Slessor
611 Railway stations : planning, design and management Julian Ross
612 Design secrets: architectural interiors Justin Henderson
613 Archilab: radical experiments in global architecture Frederic Migayrou ; Marie-Ange Brayer
614 Visionary architecture Manfred Koob
615 Introducing Kyoto Donald Richie
616 Keputusan gubernur kepala daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta no. 66 th 1981 tentang ketentuan penyediaan sarana / perlengkapan bagi penderita cacat pada bangunan2 fasilitas umum, pusat pertokoan/ perkantoran dan perumahan flat -
617 Arsitektur tradisional daerah Jawa Barat Dasum Muanas
618 Museografi dan museologi Moh. Amir Sutaarga
619 Pengantar metodologi penelitian arsitektural Achmad Djunaedi
620 Standar perencanaan tapak Joseph De Chiara ; Lee E. Koppelman

Koleksi Buku Arsitektur Bagian 3

Collection of Architectural Books Part 3

407 New Towns : their origins, achievements and progress Frederic J. Osborn ; Arnold Whittick
408 New York a guide to metropolis: walking tours of architecture and history Gerard R Wolfe
409 New York architecture 1970 to 1990 Heinrich Klotz ; Luminita Saban
410 New York proclaimed V.S. Pritchett
411 Norman Foster Daniel Treiber
412 Offices : a briefing and design guide Stephen Bailey
413 Open research -
414 Operation research : an introduction Hamdy A. Taha
415 Order in space : a design source book Keith Critclow
416 Oriental architecture Mario Bussagli
417 Oscar Niemeyer -
418 Outdoor design : a handbook for the architect's and planner Olwen C. Marlowe
419 Palaces of venice Peter Lauritzen ; Alexander Zieleke
420 Panos Koulermos -